Lawrence Rubey, Mission Director of USAID/Peru attended the inauguration of the Cacao and Coffee Pavilion at the ExpoAlimentaria. This is the biggest food trade fair in Latin America showcasing products from Food & Beverage, Meat, Poultry & Seafood industries.

U.S. Ambassador in Peru Brian A. Nichols shared with regional governors, ministers and authorities from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the main achievements after 15 years of cooperation with the decentralization process in Peru and gave a tool kit with lessons learned to the representatives of the Executive Authority.

The VIII Salon del Cacao & Chocolate 2017 was held in Lima from July 6th to 9th. The salon is a celebration where it is shown the diversity of Peruvian cacaos (Peru is the country with the greater variety of this bean in the world) and the best chocolates made with Peruvian cacao, many of them recognized worldwide.

Today was the launch ceremony of the ExpoAmazonica 2017. Among the attendees were the Minister of Foreign Trade & Tourism, the President of DEVIDA, the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ambassador of the U.S. in Peru, Brian A. Nichols.

USAID and the Association for Investigation and Integral Development AIDER celebrated the achievements of the project Social Capital for Forestry Management in 5 cacataibo indigenous communities and 6 population centers in Padre Abad and Irazola districts in the Ucayali Region.
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