Flag of Peru


December 5, 2016

Effective government institutions that represent the interests of all citizens are essential for economic growth and prosperity.  Throughout Peru, and especially in rural areas, government organizations often lack the capacity and resources to be effective.  To address these issues, USAID partners with the Government of Peru, local and regional governments, and civil society to improve the quality of public services and promote transparent governance.

December 5, 2016

Illegal gold mining is the most lucrative illicit activity in Peru, surpassing coca and cocaine production in recent years.  Illegal gold mining involves destructive processes that are devastating Peru's Amazon communities, forests and waters supplies.  USAID works with local communities, Peruvian research organizations, and U.S. universities to help address this critical threat to the Amazon.

December 5, 2016

Climate change has diminished water supply in Peru’s tropical Andean highlands.  USAID invests in climate research and innovation to help local communities in the Amazon Basin and highlands adapt to these changes and secure a consistent water supply for the future.

December 5, 2016

El Programa APIC de USAID/Perú proporciona pasantías profesionales subvencionadas a recién egresados o estudiantes del último año de universidad, buscando desarrollar una mayor capacidad profesional con el fin de incrementar el liderazgo en las regiones con bajo nivel de desarrollo económico y en los grupos étnicos tradicionalmente marginados.

December 5, 2016

El Programa de Pasantía de Comunidades Afro-Peruanas e Indígenas (APIC) de USAID/Perú proporciona pasantías profesionales subvencionadas a recién egresados o estudiantes del último año de universidad, buscando desarrollar una mayor capacidad profesional con el fin de incrementar el liderazgo en las regiones con bajo nivel de desarrollo económico y en los grupos étnicos tradicionalmente marginados.
