Development Data Library (DDL)

An Effort of USAID AidScape


The Development Data Library (DDL) is USAID’s public repository of Agency-funded, machine readable data. The DDL is part of USAID’s commitment to evidence-based programming and rigorous evaluation.  In October 2014, USAID announced its first ever open data policy, Automated Directives System (ADS) 579 – USAID Development Data.  


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GitHub - Log bugs; provide technical feedback.

Email - Contact the USAID data team at

FAQ - For more information about USAID's Development Data Policy, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.


Complete the DDL Submission Form to upload data to the Development Data Library.


Check out our engagement page to keep up-to-date with opportunities to explore and generate insights using USAID's data.

Public Data Listing

The MEASURE Evaluation Dataverse is a collection of innovative evaluation data sets assembled in order to increase the evidence-base on program impact and evaluate...
The raw data from the Measuring Impact of Stabilization Initiatives (MISTI) project is the largest and most comprehensive evaluations of stabilization interventions...
Microenterprise Results Reporting (MRR) is an annual report to the U.S. Congress providing funding and program data on USAID's microenterprise activities. The...
During the course of an evaluation, the Evaluation Team conducted a mini-survey among the members of the 13 youth centers supported under a program to promote...
Smallholders in rural Mozambique are typically characterized by low agricultural productivity, which is in part caused by very low levels of input usage. In the...
Smallholders in rural Mozambique are typically characterized by low agricultural productivity, which is in part caused by very low levels of input usage. In the...
MTB-USDH Compensation Tracking System: is the USDH Compensation Tracking System (MTB-CTS) to assist managers in monitoring their payroll costs for U.S. direct...
mWater is a tool that can be used to upload and visualize geospatial data describing water and sanitation systems. The user can create space to store data from a...
The NFC system is an USDA system used for processing transactions for payroll/personnel systems. Personnel processing is done through EPIC/HCUP, which is web-based...
The NICRA Database is a Web-based tool located on the USAID internal network which provides USAID personnel access to PDF copies of NICRAs issued out of the Office...
The USAID/Nepal Mission established its Geographic Information System (GIS) in 2002.
The Performance Reporting System (PRS) is a reporting system that enables USAID/Nigeria Implementing Partners to report their performance data and USAID/Nigeria...
Nucleotide sequences were generated from 37 cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) accessions relevant to Africa, China and the USA to discover at type of genetic...
People-Trak HRIS is a workforce management tool. It will provide tracking and management tools for recruiting, training, contact info, performance, travel...
The purpose of OCR DTS is to establish, manage and track relevant Civilian Response Corps teams for deployment by sector experience, training, education etc.
The Open Cities Project aims to catalyze the creation, management and use of open data to produce innovative solutions for urban planning and resilience challenges...
OPS Master is a management tool and database for integrated financial planning and portfolio management in USAID Missions. Using OPS Master, the three principal...
OTI's worldwide activity database is a simple and effective information system that serves as a program management, tracking, and reporting tool. In each...
The PVS WB system supports the vetting of NGOs, their employees, and individuals who apply for USAID contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or other funding...
PVS 2.0 is a database that supports vetting of NGOs and individuals to ensure that USAID-funded assistance does not inadvertently provide support to entities or...
The Performance Poolsheet is an MS Access database that captures performance appraisal data for employees eligible for performance awards. Microsoft Access database...
PIV is the system USAID uses to comply with Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-12, which requires Federal agencies to adopt policies, procedures, and...
PIPS is a system that maintains the Security/Suitability Investigations Index (SII) for OPM. It contains over 11 million background investigation records of Federal...
Save the Children is implementing Leer Juntos, a USAID-funded three-year project targeting rural, indigenous communities in Guatemala and Peru with the objective of...
Phoenix is a commercial off-the-shelf, web-based financial management system configured for USAID. Phoenix provides information about commitments, obligations, and...
