The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of the CIO, began work to support the Presidential Directive entitled ‘Building a 21st Century Digital Government’.
This launched a comprehensive Digital Government Strategy (Strategy) aimed at delivering better digital services to the American people. Ensuring that USAID makes the best use of emerging technologies.
Open Data
USAID is also taking steps to better deliver these services in accordance with the Executive Order entitled Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information and the Office of Management and Budget memorandum, Open Data Policy – Managing Information as an Asset. Visitors are encouraged to review USAID's Public Data Listing, Data Inventory Schedule, and Data Publication Process.
FITARA Implementation
USAID’s FITARA Implementation Plan was approved by OMB on January 14, 2016. It is the plan of actions required to fully implement the Common Baseline for IT Management as required in M-15-14. Please note: no CIO Assignment Plan is included because USAID does not have CIOs or large IT organizations at the Bureau level and therefore has no plan to delegate or assign CIO authority and responsibilities. The current FITARA implementation milestones are available in JSON format.
Open Source Software
USAID is committed to improving the way the agency buys, builds, and delivers software solutions to better support cost efficiency, mission effectiveness, and the customer experience. In response to OMB 16-21, USAID developed 547maa, Limits on Custom-Developed Software to provide B/IO/Ms with guidance on procuring software for Agency use.
Data Center Optimization Initiative Strategic Plans
A Data Center Optimization Strategic Plan for USAID was approved by the Chief Information Officer on September 23, 2016. The plan is available in JSON format.
Agency IT Policy Archive
Bureau IT Leadership Directory: HTML | JSON
CIO Governance Board Membership: HTML | JSON

Digital Government Strategy Report for the United States Agency for International Development
1.2. Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and web API policy and operationalize pages
Overall Status: completed
1.2.1. Document policy for architecting new IT systems for openness by default
Describe policy: The Target Architecture for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID, Agency) is the future, desired state of USAID’s information and communications environment. The Target Architecture supports the Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP). The Enterprise Transition Roadmap (ETR) supports the Target Architecture and is how the Agency builds its Target State. Since the Target Architecture’s release in 2012, the DGS, which was adopted by the US Government and the US Government’s involvement in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) have come to the forefront of the Agency’s strategy development considerations for open data. These initiatives impact the Agency’s strategic direction and thus impact the Target Architecture.
1.2.4. Develop Data Inventory Schedule - Summary
Summarize the Inventory Schedule: USAID will coordinate with Washington and overseas operating units to expand the number of data assets included in its Enterprise Data Inventory and in the Public Data Listing available at USAID will enrich its data with tags including, but not limited to USAID’s Federal Program Inventory, operating unit designation, Presidential Initiative or focus country where applicable. USAID will assign senior staff to ensure that data are open and host trainings to build awareness and institutional capacity in using machine‐readable and open formats.
1.2.5. Develop Data Inventory Schedule - Milestones
Title: FY2014 Quarter 1 release
Description: Initial release of USAID's public data listing.
Milestone Date: 28 February 2014
Description of how this milestone expands the Inventory: Identify existing data assets; Develop enterprise data inventory; Develop public data listing
Description of how this milestone enriches the Inventory: Tag data assets with OMB mandated core metadata
Description of how this milestone opens the Inventory: Establish information governance structure and assign responsibilities; Develop data publication process; Develop inventory schedule; Develop customer feedback process; Release approved data
Title: FY2014 Quarter 2 release
Description: FY2014 Quarter 2 update to USAID’s public data listing
Milestone Date: 31 May 2014
Description of how this milestone expands the Inventory: Prioritize data for release
Description of how this milestone enriches the Inventory: Develop Agency‐specific metadata tags
Description of how this milestone opens the Inventory: Apply data publication process; Release approved data; Respond to customer inquiries
Title: FY2014 Quarter 3 release
Description: FY2014 Quarter 3 update to USAID’s public data listing
Milestone Date: 30 August 2014
Description of how this milestone expands the Inventory: Draft of Agency-wide Development Data policy completed, socialized for Agency-wide review, and submitted for senior leadership clearance; Prioritize data for release
Description of how this milestone enriches the Inventory: Refine and apply Agency‐specific metadata tags
Description of how this milestone opens the Inventory: Apply data publication process; Release approved data; Respond to customer inquiries
Title: FY2014 Quarter 4 release
Description: FY2014 Quarter 4 update to USAID’s public data listing
Milestone Date: 30 November 2014
Description of how this milestone expands the Inventory: Create portal to allow implementing partners to submit data directly to USAID; Upgrade with Agency-wide data management platform; Prioritize data for release
Description of how this milestone enriches the Inventory: Apply Agency-specific metadata tags
Description of how this milestone opens the Inventory: Agency-wide policy and procedure training and socialization; Release approved data; Respond to customer inquiries
1.2.6. Develop Customer Feedback Process
Describe the agency's process to engage with customers: USAID has three mechanisms for customers to provide feedback on its data management practices: 1) GitHub - USAID recommends clicking on the USAID GitHub link to report bugs or computer-related issues with its public data listing. 2) StackExchange - USAID recommends clicking on the StackExchange link to pose general questions about its public data listing. 3) Email - Customers can contact the Open Data team directly by sending an email to, and for data that appears on, customers can use the “Contact Us” tab.
1.2.7. Develop Data Publication Process
Describe the agency's data publication process: 1) USAID operating unit identifies a data asset for potential release; 2) USAID makes a determination as to whether release is permitted by law, subject to all privacy, confidentiality, security, and other valid requirements, including: a) Security: USAID reviews the data asset for security restrictions related to the release of classified information; b) Privacy: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and other legal authorities, USAID reviews the data asset for the presence of Personally Identifiable Information (PII); c) Exceptions: USAID reviews the data asset for information excepted from release by OMB Bulletin 12-01 and the Freedom of Information Act, where applicable (for example, information that would jeopardize the safety of U.S. personnel); 3) Operating unit funding the data a) completes redactions; b) seeks clearance of related operating units; and c) proposes a data access level; 4) Office of the General Counsel ensures redactions and data access levels are consistent with legal requirements; and 5) USAID publishes the data asset to its public data listing at
2.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing major customer-facing services that contain high-value data or content as first-move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy.
Overall Status: completed
2.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach
Paragraph on customer engagement approach: “USAID collaborates with a range of partners through sharing of networks, expertise, and joint innovation to address development challenges that no one organization can solve on its own.” (USAID Open Government Plan v2.0, 3.0 Collaboration) The Grand Challenge for Development Model,, is designed to focus attention on specific and narrowly defined development challenges that facilitate innovative, collaborative, and engaging approaches to solving those challenges. The initiative focuses on solutions that are grounded in science and technology, and are robust, cost-effective, and scalable. This approach promotes the expansion of ideas, engages new actors in creating solutions and brings to the fore solutions that might not otherwise receive support. The inaugural USAID Grand Challenge for Development, ―Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development, targeted improvements in maternal and newborn health. Under another Grand Challenge, USAID, World Vision and the Australian Agency for International Development are partnering to launch a multi-year initiative that seeks to improve early grade reading outcomes in low-resource settings called, ―All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development.‖ Through this fund, USAID is working to bring clarity and attention to the problem, to articulate the fundamental barriers to success, and to fund the design and implementation of solutions. The Agency expects to achieve substantial global impacts in early grade reading by leveraging the power of research, capitalizing on innovation, catalyzing partnerships, and increasing the utilization of science, technology, and 21st century infrastructure. Overall, the Grand Challenges for Development will increase the pool of solvers through open innovation and public engagement to USAID Open Government Plan v2.0.
2.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)
System Name: U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook)
System Description: These data are U.S economic and military assistance by country from 1946 to 2010. This is the authoritative data set of U.S. foreign assistance. The data set is used to report U.S foreign assistance to Congress as required by the Foreign Assistance Act, Section 634.
System Scope: external
Main Customer: Congress
System Name: USAID Development Credit Authority Guarantee Data: Loan Transactions
System Description: USAID’s Development Credit Authority (DCA) works with investors, local financial institutions, and development organizations to design and deliver investment alternatives that unlock financing for U.S. Government priorities. USAID guarantees encourage private lenders to extend financing to underserved borrowers in new sectors and regions. This dataset is the complete list of all private loans made under USAID's DCA since it was established in 1999. To protect the personal information of borrowers and bank partners, all strategic and personal identifiable information was removed. For explanations and limitations of the dataset, download the attachment in the metadata.
System Scope: both
Main Customer: International Development Community and American Public
2.2. Make high-value data and content in at least two existing, major customer-facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high-value systems
Overall Status: completed
2.2.1. Publish plan on future activity
Describe policy: USAID has launched an effort to identify the future business needs of the Agency. This effort is called The New Standardization Project as a part of the Development Information System (DIS) Element 2. Its objective is to get Missions the information systems they need to manage their operations well and to complete information management tasks quicker, with greater accuracy and quality. The way in which the Agency is working to accomplish this objective is to first standardize Mission business processes for functions like budgeting, judging program performance, and Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E). This information will provide the outline of how IT capabilities can be updated, developed, or purchased to enable those business processes, thus satisfying the future business needs. (USAID Target Architecture FY2011-2015, Updated April 12, 2013)
2.2.2. Make 2+ systems (datasets) available via web APIs with metadata tags
Name of system: U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook)
Description of system: These data are U.S economic and military assistance by country from 1946 to 2010. This is the authoritative data set of U.S. foreign assistance. The data set is used to report U.S foreign assistance to Congress as required by the Foreign Assistance Act, Section 634.
Scope of system: external
Main Customers: Congress
API Link:
Name of system: USAID Development Credit Authority Guarantee Data: Loan Transactions
Description of system: USAID’s Development Credit Authority (DCA) works with investors, local financial institutions, and development organizations to design and deliver investment alternatives that unlock financing for U.S. Government priorities. USAID guarantees encourage private lenders to extend financing to underserved borrowers in new sectors and regions. This dataset is the complete list of all private loans made under USAID's DCA since it was established in 1999. To protect the personal information of borrowers and bank partners, all strategic and personal identifiable information was removed. For explanations and limitations of the dataset, download the attachment in the metadata.
Scope of system: both
Main Customers: International Development Community and American Public
API Link:
4.2. Establish an agency-wide governance structure for developing and delivering digital services
Overall Status: completed
Paragraph on Governance: The vision for IM is information anywhere, anytime, on any device. Information should be readily available and accessible anywhere in the world where the Agency operates. Information should be capable to be displayed on any device – mobile, tablet, PDA, desktop, etc. The architecture of our systems should be conformed to interoperability and openness and overall we will operationalize an information-centric model. This effort will assist USAID’s commitment to the President’s Open Government Initiative of upholding the values of transparency, participation and collaboration in terms of international assistance related information. In addition, the IMS aligns with the Digital Government Strategy through providing information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device. Appendix B illustrates the alignment between the IMS, USAID IT Strategic Plan, Digital Government Strategy, and Open Government Plan.
URL to Governance Document:
5.2. Develop an enterprise-wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts
Overall Status: completed
5.2.1. Develop wireless and mobile inventory
Bureau/Component: USAID/M/CIO
Inventory Status: completed
5.3. Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements
Overall Status: completed
Describe Implementation: USAID Automated Directive System (ADS) 302.3.4.9 Information System Security Information system security (ISS) is the protection of the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of automated information and the resources used to enter, store, process, and communicate the information. ADS 545 details the security policies, consistent with Federal regulations, mandates and directives that serve as the highest-level basis for USAID ISS. In accordance with the Contract Clause Guide for Unclassified Information System Security Systems and Services, Contracting Officers must ensure that appropriate ISS requirements are accurately specified, funded, and enforced for all USAID ISS acquisition, operation, and maintenance contracts under their supervision. The guide provides procedures for including ISS requirements in the acquisition of information systems and services. This guide applies to all contracts, regardless of the source of funding, when the contracted systems or services will be connected to, or require the use of, a USAID general support system (GSS) in USAID/W or at the Missions. USAID staff may also apply the guide whenever a requestor, an acquisition or contracting authority, or the cognizant designated Information System Security Office (ISSO) believes it would be in the best interest of protecting USAID’s information systems.
6.3. Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and customer experience improvement guidelines
Overall Status: completed
Describe Implementation:
7.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use.
Overall Status: completed
7.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach
Paragraph on customer engagement approach:
7.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)
System Name: Development Experience Clearinghouse
System Description: USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) is the largest online resource for USAID funded technical and program documentation, with over 141700 documents available for electronic download. Search USAID's online database of agency-funded technical and program-related documents to download USAID documents in PDF format for free.
System Scope: both
Main Customer: International Development Community
System Name: USAID Portfolio Map
System Description: The Portfolio Map is a mobile app for accessing information about the development work USAID is performing every day. The app will give mobile device users the ability to browse our portfolio for a subset of the countries in which USAID is working. The app will provide general country overviews at a glance and also will allow users to access more detailed information as needed.
System Scope: both
Main Customer: International Development Community
7.2. Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services
Overall Status: completed
Describe Implementation: The Mobility Strategic Initiative supports USAID’s desire to expand the delivery of existing and new services to operate on portable computing devices using mobile web applications. This supports the M/CIO’s overarching vision for USAID users to have web-based, Internet access to applications and services using Cloud-based technologies. As most IT services will be presented through web portal technologies, where users can access an enterprise portal through their web browser, there will be instances where performance and functionality requirements will drive the M/CIO to develop or upgrade applications for optimal use on mobile devices. Some examples of these requirements include access to a local data store and the need for availability in the absence of network coverage. Other may include the need for a specific device feature such as display, navigation methods and screen resolutions, or functionality such as Global Positioning System (GPS) embedded within the application. The M/CIO will develop and modernize applications driven by mission and business needs in proper balance with controlling costs for what could be considerable investments in mobile solutions. (USAID Enterprise transition Roadmap FY2013-FY2015)
7.2.1. Report on services
Service Name: Development Experience Clearinghouse
Service Description: USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) is the largest online resource for USAID funded technical and program documentation, with over 141700 documents available for electronic download. Search USAID's online database of agency-funded technical and program-related documents to download USAID documents in PDF format for free.
System Scope: both
Primary customers: International Development Community
URL of service:
Service Name: USAID Portfolio Map
Service Description: The Portfolio Map is a mobile app for accessing information about the development work USAID is performing every day. The app will give mobile device users the ability to browse our portfolio for a subset of the countries in which USAID is working. The app will provide general country overviews at a glance and also will allow users to access more detailed information as needed.
System Scope: both
Primary customers: International Development Community
URL of service:
8.2. Implement performance and customer satisfaction measuring tools on all .gov websites
Overall Status: in-progress
8.2.1. Implement performance measurement tool
Implemented Digital Analytics Program: yes
If Not, Describe Implementation: USAID continues to evaluate performance measurement tools during migration and development of Agency sites.
Percent of websites covered: 100% of USAID external website
URL of performance data:
8.2.2. Implement customer satisfaction tool
Describe Implementation: Standardize through the implementation of Google Analytics and customer comment feedback via website and social media.
URL of performance data:
Last updated November 11, 2014 at 1:48 pm
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