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Language: English | Indonesian
Juli 10, 2017

Due to anticipated reductions in USAID/Indonesia’s budget, the solicitation number SOL-497-16-000011 for the Resident Hire U.S./TCN PSC Climate Resilience, Energy, and Water (CREW) Team Leader, GS-12, originally issued on September 1, 2016 has been canceled.

Juli 3, 2017

Due to anticipated reductions in USAID/Indonesia budget, the solicitation for the position of USAID Project Management Assistant, FSN-8 for the Health Office is canceled.

Juli 3, 2017

Due to anticipated reductions in USAID/Indonesia budget, the solicitation for the position
of USAID Secretary, FSN-7 for the Education Office is canceled.

Juli 3, 2017

Due to anticipated reductions in USAID/Indonesia budget, the solicitation for the position of USAID Development Program Specialist (ASEAN), FSN-10 for the Program Office is canceled.

Januari 14, 2017

Indonesia merupakan negara demokrasi terbesar ketiga di dunia, perekonomian terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan menjadi rumah bagi beberapa jenis keanekaragaman hayati terkaya di dunia. Indonesia menikmati pertumbuhan ekonomi yang stabil dan muncul sebagai pemimpin di kawasannya. Tetapi, Indonesia menghadapi tantangan pembangunan di bidang lingkungan hidup dan lainnya.
