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Anthony (Tony) S. Chan is a member of the Senior Foreign Service (FE-OC) and Mission Director of USAID/Liberia. The Mission is partnering with Liberia to strengthen institutions, drive economic growth and reduce poverty. It is also focused on recovering/rebuilding after the Ebola outbreak.
He was Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID/Bureau for Africa. He oversaw the Office of Sustainable Development, a team of over 70 technical experts in all areas of USAID programs. He also served as the Secretariat for the Trade Hub Management Council to provide strategic coordination among USAID's three flagship African Trade Hubs. The Office of West African Affairs was also under his purview. That office coordinates USAID’s activities in 21 countries (12 with a USAID presence) with an annual budget of approximately $1.7 billion.
Over his USAID career he has designed and implemented programs in cash transfer/policy reform, trade, customs, financial sector restructuring, privatization, fiscal and monetary policy, commercial law, and most recently large infrastructure programs. As a Regional Economic Advisor he provided technical support to USAID programs in twelve countries in East and Southern Africa.
Primarily as a result of his postings, he speaks French, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, and conversational Egyptian Arabic, and Haitian Creole.
He has a PhD in economics (International Finance, International Trade, Monetary, and Development) from UCLA.
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