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The 'Africa We Want' initiative brings the voices of Africa together.
In partnership with the African Union, USAID/ USAU helps to advance prosperity, peace and stability throughout Africa.

USAID Support to the African Union
Established in July 2002, the African Union consists of 54 African nations that came together to help secure Africa’s democracy, human rights, sustainable economy, an end to intra-African conflict and create an effective common market. USAID has a long history of engagement with the African Union and its predecessor the organization of African unity. The objective of the United States Mission to the African Union is to build the U.S. partnership with regional organizations and help the African Union to achieve its results in the African Union Commission Strategic Plan 2014 – 2017.
USAID has had a dedicated African Union operating unit working under the U.S. Mission to the African Union since 2010. The program has overarching goals of supporting the African Union in its strategic development objectives including areas such as health, democracy and governance, education, trade and women’s empowerment.
Learn More
United States Mission to the African Union
African Union Commission Strategic Plan 2014 – 2017
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