West Africa Regional

  • Improved production, processing, and trade in the cotton and agriculture sector results in higher incomes for women.

  • Community health workers help women in Togo protect their health and plan their families.

  • USAID builds capacity for trade in West Africa, particularly for agricultural products.

Zana Coulibaly on the right poses with a prize with some team members
Cashew Cooperative in Côte d’Ivoire Lands Commercial Financing
Actors on stage
Countering Violent Extremism in Chad Through Theater
Cattle at Market
West African Livestock Markets Expand for Holiday Sales

About West Africa Regional

West Africa’s tremendous resources—human, agricultural, and mineral—are dogged by political instability, poor governance, environmental degradation, disease, extreme poverty, and lack of private investment opportunities. To combat these challenges, USAID’s West Africa Regional Mission, located in Accra, Ghana, implements innovative regional activities to address trans-boundary issues, as well as activities in countries where there is no USAID mission.

Since West African countries often face the same problems, regional activities are designed to complement and enhance country-specific programs. We support regional development in agriculture, energy, trade, governance, environment, health, and stability.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID/West Africa Regional
P.O.Box 1630

USAID Contact

Craig Lamberton
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
, DC 