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Dr. Jennifer Adams is Mission Director to Mozambique. She previously served as USAID’s acting assistant administrator in the Bureau for Global Health. She managed Population and Reproductive Health, Office of HIV/AIDS, Office of Health Systems and other special assignments.
Previously, Dr. Adams headed USAID’s Office of Donor Engagement. Her duties involved analysis, communication, and collaborative efforts to generate joint understanding and action on key development priorities with both bilateral and multilateral donor partners around the world.
Jennifer Adams was appointed the first USAID development counselor to China in September, 2008. Before her post in Beijing, she was the Mission director for USAID in Brazil.
Dr. Adams has worked for USAID for over 20 years, in the Central Asian Republics, Senegal, Brazil, and Washington, D.C. Her positions included economist, and managing social sector portfolios, including health, education and environment projects. In Brazil, she initiated a successful public-private partnership, Mais Unidos, that engaged the 50 largest American companies to support social entrepreneurship.
Dr. Adams graduated from Johns Hopkins University, has a Master of Philosphy degree from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex and a Ph.D. in Economics from Cambridge University.
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