Fact Sheets

Over the past four decades, the American people, through USAID, have been partnering with the people of the Middle East to help young men and women gain marketable skills in areas such as technology, business, healthcare, agriculture and education.

The LEGS program is providing technical assistance to Libyan government institutions and civil society organizations as they attempt to navigate the country’s transition from an authoritarian regime to a democratic system.

To establish effective practices for sub national governance. IRI is helping ensure that local government is informed by, and inclusive of, citizen concerns. In addition, IRI supports Libyan municipal council members in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities while engaging in sound policy making. IRI is supporting the Ministry of Local Government to establish effective structures for intra-governmental communication, administrative functions, training, and service delivery. Finally, in an effort to increase the role of marginalized groups in Libya’s governance, IRI engages youth leaders to advocate for issues in their communities.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supports Tunisia’s democratic and economic transition as the Tunisian people consolidate the gains of the 2011 Jasmine Revolution. By advancing an inclusive, accountable political system and dynamic, private sector-led economic growth, USAID assistance promotes prosperous and resilient communities across the country. Since 2011, USAID has provided approximately $300 million to support Tunisia’s economic growth and democracy.

Projekat podrške lokalnim zajednicama u odogovoru na izbegličku krizu je 18-mesečni projekat koji sprovodi Fondacija Ana i Vlade Divac.


Projekat za jačanje učešća građana u kreiranju politika je jednogodišnji projekat koji sprovodi koalicija organizacija civilnog društva (OCD) koju predvodi Centar za istraživanje, transparentnost i odgovornost (CRTA).  Projekat ima za cilj da pomogne da građani bliže komuniciraju sa kandidatima i izabranim zvaničnicima o pitanjima od javnog značaja.


The Real Say on Policy project is a one-year activity implemented by a coalition of civil society organizations (CSO) lead by the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA).  The project is focused on helping citizens to interact with candidates and elected officials on issues of public concern.

The Support for Local Response to Refugee Crisis project is an 18-month activity implemented by the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation.

As of June 24, the governments of Guinea and Liberia had not reported a confirmed Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case since April 6. The countries’ March/April clusters—both linked to an EVD survivor in Guinea’s N’Zérékoré Prefecture—included seven confirmed and three probable cases in Guinea and three confirmed cases in Liberia.

In early June, Government of Ethiopia (GoE) health authorities confirmed the first acute watery diarrhea cases in the capital city of Addis Ababa since January 2016. To date, cases have been concentrated in Oromiya, Somali, and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP) regions since the outbreak began in December 2015. The GoE and relief actors—including USAID partners—are coordinating acute watery diarrhea response activities in the city.
