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USAID works with partners to respond to humanitarian crises around the world.
The Award Results Tracking System (ART) is USAID/OFDA’s system for partner organizations to submit award reporting and data. The ART Online Course is offered to organizations as a resource to learn the basics of the ART System and its relationship with award details and functions.
To register for the ART Online Course, contact USAID/OFDA’s Training Unit at ofdaworkshops@ofda.gov to get a login.
Please consult the Training Unit to enroll in one of the following courses.
Guidelines for Proposals Workshop Dates
Washington, DC |
Washington, DC |
Jan 22-23, 2018 |
Costa Rica |
February 21-22, 2018 |
Senegal |
March 7-8, 2018 |
South Africa |
March 13-14, 2018 |
Jordan |
Washington, DC |
Sept 5-6, 2018 |
Submitting a Proposal
If your organization would like to become a USAID disaster response partner, the Guidelines for Proposals are intended to assist organizations in the preparation of proposals for new awards and award modifications for submission to USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA). The Guidelines lay out considerations relevant to the proposal review and award process and outline the main components of an unsolicited proposal. The Guidelines also contain Sector Requirements (SRs) for each of the humanitarian sectors that USAID/OFDA funds. These guidelines should be used for all proposals.
If your organization would like to submit a proposal with the Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP), visit the Food Assistance Emergency Programs page for more information.
USAID’s Annual Program Statements (solicited proposals) can be found on www.grants.gov.
USAID/OFDA Resources
Guidance and templates related to program activities can be found on the Resources page.
The Field Operations Guide (FOG) (PDF) version 4.0 is a reference tool developed by USAID/OFDA for individuals sent to disaster sites as a member of a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART).
USAID OFDA’s Latin America and Caribbean Regional team provides training courses on areas such as disaster risk management, first response, forest fire prevention and control, and school safety programs. Course development and training materials can be downloaded in PDF format, and all documents are provided in English and Spanish.
USAID/OFDA Annual Report
USAID/OFDA annual reports detail the major humanitarian crises that USAID/OFDA responded to each year.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.