New Circular to Simplify Energy Labeling Administrative Procedures to Enhance Business Competitiveness

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Since 2015, USAID’s Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) Project has worked with the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC), and the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Administrative Procedure Control Agency to revise Circular 07/2012/TT-BCT.  This circular sets energy efficiency labeling requirements for importing electrical  equipment, such as electric fans,  refrigerators, and printers. Consultations with businesses revealed that the administrative procedures were burdensome and created excessive costs for importers. The GIG program proposed revisions to Circular 07 and also reported this issue to the Prime Minister. The Ministry of Industry and Trade accepted many of GIG’s recommendations and issued the new Circular 36/2016/TT-BCT, which comes into effect February 10, 2017. Circular 36 reduces the number of required documents per import in half from eight to four and simplifies the current two-step testing and labelling process into a single step procedure. These procedures are expected to reduce the time to obtain an energy-efficiency labelling certificates to a maximum of 10 days, down from 20 to 30 days.