Vietnam’s efforts to open its economy to global trade and investment have contributed to high growth rates over the past two decades and drastic reductions in poverty—from nearly 70 percent of the population in the 1990s to under 10 percent in 2015. Nevertheless, key challenges to sustainable growth remain. USAID works with Vietnam to strengthen governance; expand access to quality higher education; address the harmful effects of HIV/AIDS and threats to global health security; improve the welfare of persons with disabilities; advance gender equality, female empowerment and the role of vulnerable populations in society and government; and address environmental challenges, including environmental change, biodiversity conservation and dioxin contamination.
Vietnam Country Profile (pdf - 420k)
To drive economic progress and address governance constraints to development, USAID promotes legal reform and transparency in law-making, accountability, access to information and increased competitiveness. These improved capabilities contribute to increased public participation while supporting Vietnam’s ability to take advantage of its free trade agreements. In the last 10 years, USAID support to improve economic growth and trade has helped Vietnam rewrite about 150 laws and regulations affecting commercial activities and related judicial procedures.
Under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USAID activities to prevent HIV and treat and care for people living with the disease reach over 90,000 people in Vietnam, including through active civil society partnerships. USAID’s Global Health Security-related assistance combats
highly pathogenic avian influenza and other pandemic threats. Since 2010, USAID has improved the welfare of over 23,000 persons with disabilities, regardless of cause, by providing higher quality services, advocacy support and promoting public policies that protect their rights and provide systematic services.
Vietnam is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to environmental change. USAID helps government and social institutions develop and implement strategies in low emission development, environmental change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity conservation. At Vietnam’s request, USAID is conducting a large-scale program to clean up dioxin-contaminated soil and sediment that remain at Danang Airport decades after war; the first of two treatment phases has been completed.
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Vietnam Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2014 - 2018
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