Fact Sheets

The Constitution Review Committee (CRC) project supports a presidentially appointed committee tasked with the responsibility to organize, lead and manage a process to review Liberia’s 1986 Constitution, with the CRC presenting to the President of Liberia a report of its findings, including the process it conducted and the inputs it received from the people, and recommendations for amendments to the 1986 constitution.

Uganda has an opportunity to create a more accountable and responsive government and an electoral system capable of enabling a growing number of citizens to participate peacefully in politics. A more accountable and responsive government will increase citizen commitment to democratic governance and reduce tensions among political, regional and ethnic groups.

Project Snapshot
Total Funding:  $16.2 million ($8.1 USAID; $8.1 Sweden)
Project Duration:  January 2016 - January 2021
Implementing Partner:  Cardno Emerging Markets


Promove eleisaun nasionál 2017 ho livre, justu no kredivel, ajuda fasilita di’ak podér tranzisaun durante de eleisaun.

Promote free, fair, and credible 2017 national elections and help facilitate the smooth post-election transition of power.


The Public Sector Modernization project will benefit Liberian civil servants by improving public sector transparency; predictability of salaries; implementing human resource related reforms, such as career tracks, grade, recruitment and promotion. Through the development of a well-defined compensation regime for civil servants, the Government of Liberia will be able to improve its management of the public sector wage bill, a significant component of the Government’s annual budget.

The Liberia Legal Professional Development & Anti-Corruption Activity (LPAC) seeks to strengthen legal professional development institutions, while building the capacity of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC). Specifically, LPAC will support human institutional capacity development at four legal education, information and professional institutions – the Judicial Institute, the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, the Liberian Legal Information Institute (LiberLii), and the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA). The aim is to help make those institutions financially and administratively sustainable and able to operate effectively with minimal international donor support.

To provide support for the upcoming 2017 General Elections, including presidential and legislative polls. This program works to strengthen local capacity to effectively manage, observe, and engage in election processes by providing technical assistance to Liberia’s National Elections Commission (NEC) and civil society organizations (CSOs). Specific objectives include the following:

The Local Empowerment for Government Inclusion and Transparency (LEGIT) program seeks to increase accountability, transparency, and effectiveness with respect to sub-national government resources in Liberia. LEGIT will provide support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Governance Commission as they lead, monitor, and coordinate the implementation of the Government’s decentralization agenda. LEGIT will also strengthen subnational institutions in at least three counties and three cities so that they can be more transparent and responsive to citizens with respect to information on how public resources are used at sub-national levels.
