Fact Sheets

The EQUAL Program aims to enhance learning outcomes for children by offering technical, resource, and capacity building support to district- and county-level education offices. The project expands on the previous work of Concern Worldwide and the Liberia Bible Translation and Literacy Organization (LIBTRALO) in Grand Bassa County. Community and school governance structures will be actively engaged in prioritizing the education of their children in a safe learning environment and increasing school attendance and retention rates.

Through the Education Crisis Response Program, USAID is partnering with UNICEF to ensure Liberian children return to school safely following a six-month hiatus as a result of the recent Ebola outbreak. The program will help the Ministry of Education enforce strict protocols in schools including daily temperature monitoring of children and teachers, hand washing requirements, and referral mechanisms with local health centers. The program will also support the Ministry of Education in protecting the education gains and investments that had been made prior to the crisis, and in preventing future disruptions in education.

USAID/OFDA contributes more than $5 million in additional support for emergency relief activities in Haiti. WFP bolsters logistics operations by air, land, and sea; reaches more than 350,000 people with food assistance in October. USAID continues to work with humanitarian actors to respond to immediate shelter needs.

The Community Health Workers for Advancing Liberian Livelihoods (CHW FOR ALL) activity is designed to strengthen  the capacity of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other community stakeholders to oversee the scale-up of a high quality national Community Health Assistant (CHA) program that is informed by and held accountable to the remote communities it has been designed to serve. 

The Smallholders Oil Palm Project Support (SHOPS II) support works to stimulate economic growth in Liberia by increasing the income of smallholder oil palm producers, while reducing deforestation resulting from oil palm expansion.  In order to achieve its overarching goal, SHOPS II works with manufacturers to increase farmers’ access to oil palm processing equipment such as oil expellers and palm kernel crackers and linking them to buyers of the equipment.  SHOPS II also supports the processing and marketing of downstream oil palm products, such as palm kernel cake which will serve as catalyst to growth of the poultry, fishery and livestock industries.

USAID – through the Strengthening Elections Administration Activity (SEAA) implemented by IFES – is building  on the previous support to electoral processes.  The activitity will focus on enhancing the capacity of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and Election Complaints and Appeal Panel (ECAP) to independently deliver credible and widely-accepted elections to an informed voting public.

The Transformational Leadership Program (TLP) is designed to provide educational opportunities for Kosovo’s most promising students through university scholarships, partnerships, and student and faculty exchanges with universities in the United States.  The TLP program aims to develop a cadre of leaders who will drive significant economic, political, and social development upon their return to Kosovo.  

The Mein River Hydro Project was initiated under the Liberia Energy Sector Support Program (LESSP) and now falls within the purview of Power Africa. The LESSP was designed by USAID/Liberia to increase access to affordable renewable energy services in geographically focused rural and urban areas in order to foster economic, political and social development. Liberia was selected as a Power Africa focus country in 2013 to increase affordable electricity access to urban and rural communities.

The overarching goal of the Feeder Roads Alternative and Maintenance Program (FRAMP) is to support the government of Liberia to develop, operationalize and implement sustainable routine maintenance systems, while piloting innovative, alternative low volume sealed road construction techniques through research and development. The roads constructed under the program will be continually maintained with the buy-in and participation of local communities who will benefit from them.  Under the program, residents of communities served by the roads will also be trained in how to perform routine road maintenance.

SMI-L supports sustainable, market-driven growth and job creation through the facilitation of economic linkages between national and international buyers and local suppliers. In particular, SMI-L integrates local SMEs into the supply chains of international and national buyers by providing valuable information to buyers about where and how to find quality local suppliers and building the capacity of local SMEs to meet buyers’ standards to win contracts.
