The restored Kipsigon Health Center and the new Chepyuk Community Water Project are the dividends of a new spirit of peace and cooperation in Kopsiro and Chepyuk
For Immediate Release
Kenyan non-profit non-governmental organization Act Change Transform (Act!), in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Embassy of Sweden today officially commissioned the newly restored Kipsigon Health Center, which had been destroyed during the 2006-2008 conflicts, and the new Chepyuk Community Water Project. The two infrastructure projects, which were funded by the U.S. Government and the Swedish Government respectively, were handed over to the communities of Kopsiro and Chepyuk to be of benefit to all members of the community regardless of which clan they come from.
“The goal of the project was to improve management of the natural resources in Mt. Elgon region through effective citizen participation. We work in partnership and recognize that national government, county government, and civil society all have important roles to play,” said John Smith-Sreen, Director of USAID’s Office of Democracy, Rights, and Governance in Kenya.
“Once USAID, Act, and the community were able to build the water tank, the county government was able to allocate resources to extend the water distribution system. This is a good way to partner,” said H.E Deputy Governor Bungoma County Hillary Chongwony.
Members of Soi and Ndorobo clans, ordinary youth, and former militia members, who had previously engaged in conflict, attended the event to commit their support for managing the health center and water project in peaceful cooperation.
The American people, through the U.S. Agency for International Development, have provided economic and humanitarian assistance in Kenya for over 50 years.
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