Albania Program Updates

September 21, 2016

USAID has signed a cooperative agreement with Fondacion CEED Albania for their new $1,037,931 AgroTourism program supported by USAID and the Embassy of Sweden in Tirana and financed through a cost share.

September 21, 2016

USAID signed a cooperative agreement with the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) to implement a $475, 000 project “Promoting Transparency in Political Financing in Albania.” Reducing corruption in politics begins with political party financing. NDI will assist political parties in strengthening sustainable practices in financial management, accountability, and transparency, and to engage parties and civil society in building collective action on transparency and accountability in party finance. These measures can contribute to building political commitment that is responsive to growing public interest for systematic party finance reform.

Women surround table with sewing cloth and equipment

CityTex, a garment factory established using the Yunus social business model, has helped more than 50 rural women in Cerrik in central Albania find employment and sense of community.

Ervehe Tushi

Thanks to an intervention by the USAID-supported partner, the Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF), Veko writes, produces and broadcasts the interviews and life stories of Albanians, gives her listeners the daily news, catches their interest and imagination with features, announcements, and reviews of events. This is a very special lady who happens to be blind – a childhood accident. 
