Strengthened rule of law and good governance
Albania has made many notable improvements in rule of law and governance in the last twenty years but the country has not been able to move forward with the momentum required to introduce strong and sustainable democratic institutions that form the bedrock of representative, stable, prosperous, and equitable societies. Corruption continues to be a complex and pervasive challenge in Albania, impeding economic growth and damaging the faith of citizens in government. Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index ranked Albania as the most corrupt country in Europe yet again in 2014. While the legal framework and inter-agency structures to reduce corruption are in place, implementation remains uneven.
USAID/Albania projects address the issues of implementation directly through our support to strengthen systems of accountability in public administration and the judiciary and through increased transparency. We work in partnership with institutions, media, and civil society organizations to support transparent systems that limit the opportunities for corruption (such as bribery, conflict of interest, nepotism, an undue political influence) in administrative, judicial, and financial sectors and hold public officials accountable to citizens. We are upgrading performance and management capabilities in the judiciary, local governments, and in the health and financial sectors; improving the enabling environment for planning and policy reforms; and enhancing citizen oversight and transparency through strengthened civil society. Currently, USAID/Albania supports with financial, technical, or a combination of both approximately 80 civil society organizations. Overall efforts focus on increasing civic participation that includes building capacity in advocacy and watchdog-type oversight across multiple sectors.
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