
September 9, 2014

On Tuesday, September 9th, the Palestinian Authority and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), celebrated the completion of the Southwest Nablus Villages Water Supply Project.  USAID invested $7.4 million in this project to improve the water supply and quality to more than 8,500 citizens in the villages of Asira Al-Qibliya, Madama and Urif, for the first time.

September 5, 2014
On July 21, 2014, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States is providing $47 million to help the humanitarian situation in Gaza. To address the urgent needs in Gaza, USAID is drawing from these funds to provide food; clean water; basic commodities; health care and medical assistance; and shelter protection. As of September 5, USAID has provided the following assistance.
August 12, 2014

 Health and Humanitarian Assistance Fact Sheet

August 12, 2014


July 21, 2014

USAID supports the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) through programs that improve teaching methodologies, introduce contemporary approaches to teaching and learning strategies, and expand the impact of early childhood programming. For high school students and new graduates, USAID supports increased access to educational opportunities and community-based youth programs.
