
May 16, 2017

USAID/WBG develops the audit universes for its prime awards and sub-awards.  While USAID/WBG has the prime awards universe in its records, it annually solicits from the prime awardees information on their program-implementing sub-awards in order to develop the sub-awards’ universe.

April 7, 2017

The U.S. Government works closely with the Palestinian Authority, Government of Israel, and other development partners to address humanitarian and development needs in Gaza. Since 2009, USAID has invested more than $400 million in Gaza to improve the lives of Palestinians.

April 7, 2017

USAID improves governance and increases citizen oversight and participation in decision making in the West Bank and Gaza by improving service delivery by increasing the financial and administrative sustainability of government institutions; fostering greater checks and balances and accountability of key government institutions, including activities that strengthen the rule of law and civil society; and, through the Conflict Management and Mitigation program, providing grants to bring together Israelis and Palestinians to work on issues of common concern to promote peaceful coexistence.

April 7, 2017

USAID’s Economic Growth and Infrastructure Office generates tangible benefits in the lives of Palestinians by increasing access to clean, reliable and affordable water and energy and stimulating the growth of the Palestinian economy.

April 7, 2017

USAID improves access to and delivery of essential services in the health, humanitarian assistance, and education sectors.
