Flag of South Africa



South Africa has a rapidly growing economy that is highly dependent on fossil fuels.  As the economic status of individuals improves, the demand on already strained energy production and associated greenhouse gas emissions is expected to increase dramatically. The USG aims to assist the Government of South Africa to move towards achievement of the ambitious emissions reduction targets it announced in November 2011 in the National Climate Change Response White Paper.

Technical Notes is an appendix to the Evaluation Report (also known as the Main Report) of World Vision’s Network of Hope program, South Africa 2006 – 2012. Technical Notes consists of extended explanations on technical and substantive matters as necessary, tables and statistical data. This appendix has been compiled to facilitate easy reading in the Main Report. References to the Technical Notes are made throughout the Main Report and follow the sequence of that report’s sections. This appendix is available from Pact South Africa (Pretoria).
