Glavni cilj programa EMPOWER Privatni sektor je da poveća konkurentnost i pomogne inkluzivno stvaranje radnih mesta u izabranim sektorima sa potencijalom da se razvijaju: obrada drveta, odeća, IKT (informaciona i komunikaciona tehnologija), energetska efikasnost, turizam u prirodi i drugi oportunistički sektori.
Përmes Programit Zhvillimi Bujqësor dhe Mundësitë Rurale (AGRO), USAID-i përqendrohet në rritjen e produktivitetit bujqësor, në tregtueshmëri, dhe përgjegjshmëri ndaj tregjeve, të cilat do të rrisin qëndrueshmërinë dhe konkurrueshërinë e agrobizneseve të synuara Kosovare në tregjet e brendshme dhe të eksportit.
Kroz program razvoj poljoprivrede i ruralne mogućnosti (AGRO), USAID se fokusira na povećanje poljoprivredne produktivnosti, tržišnost i odgovor na tržišta, što će poboljšati održivost i konkurentnost ciljnih kosovskih agro-preduzeća na domaćim i izvoznim tržištima.
Pacific Island countries are highly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change. More than 8.5 million people across the region depend for their livelihood primarily on tourism, fisheries, forestry and agriculture, all of which are highly sensitive to rising sea levels, changing ocean temperatures and acidity, and shifting rainfall and storm patterns. Civil society organizations (CSOs), which play a critical role in the region’s social and economic development, are often hindered by a lack of resources and managerial capacity from responding to climate change challenges.
Promote is USAID’s largest ever investment in women’s empowerment globally. The Women’s Leadership Development (WLD) program will enable Afghanistan’s most talented young women to become future leaders in government, business, and civil society. Over five years, 25,000 women with exceptional leadership potential and commitment to positive social change will be recruited and enrolled in the program.
Jordan meets nearly all of its energy needs through oil and gas imports. The country faces fluctuating international energy prices and rapidly increasing domestic demand, the costs of which are highly subsidized. The USAID Energy Sector Capacity Building Activity (ESCB) supports Jordanian energy producers, utilities and consumers to adopt best practices in energy efficiency and to support development of alternative and renewable energy sources.
The vast majority of Nigeriens rely on subsistence agriculture and the region’s frequent droughts lead to poor harvests and regular food shortages. Chronic food insecurity and infectious disease have resulted in some of the highest rates of malnutrition and mortality in the world. As of January 2015, United Nations estimates placed Niger’s food-insecure population at nearly 3.4 million people.
Niger experiences low and variable rainfalls, land degradation, deforestation and desertification. The vast majority of Nigerians depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, and frequent droughts in the region often damage crop yields, leading to food shortages in the country. Chronic food insecurity and a high prevalence of infectious diseases have led Niger to record some of the highest malnutrition and mortality rates in the world. According to United Nations estimates, nearly 3.4 million Nigeriens are chronically food insecure.
Following Niger’s return to democratic rule in 2010, the Government of Niger committed to fighting corruption, increasing transparency, and ensuring that proper management of the country’s natural resources benefits all Nigeriens. Niger’s National Assembly plays a key role in advancing reforms needed to strengthen governance and consolidate recent democratic gains vital to furthering the country’s development. The potential revenue from extractive industries in Niger is of great importance to the economic growth of the country, and as a result, the efficient and transparent management of these industries plays a key role in Niger’s future.
Niger consistently ranks at or near the bottom of the United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Index. Chronic food insecurity and infectious disease have resulted in some of the highest rates of malnutrition and mortality in the world. Over forty percent of children under five are chronically malnourished and the rates of acute malnutrition are well beyond the threshold for public health emergencies. In addition, Niger has the highest fertility rate in the world. Left unchecked, Niger’s rapid population growth will further undermine health service delivery and weaken the resilience of the most vulnerable populations.
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