Fact Sheets

Niger’s population is 70% illiterate and only 44% of female primary school students reach 6th grade. To address this gap in education, the Government of Niger is implementing an ambitious national education program to increase educational access, quality and retention. USAID is contributing to these objectives together with support of the Millennium Challenge Corporation with programming that fosters a reading culture and early grade reading in local languages; an improved school environment, especially for girls; increased parental engagement; and strengthened community linkages with education administration. Additional support for impact evaluation of these activities aims to help the Ministry of Education make data-based policy and program decisions.

The five-year, $36 million USAID Building Economic Sustainability through Tourism Project (BEST) seeks to enable Jordan's transformation into a globally competitive tourism destination.

This program aims to strengthen the development of more democratic and open political processes in Jordan. More specifically, it aspires to support the participation of candidates, activists, monitors, and voters in Jordan’s municipal and parliamentary elections.

Jordan faces serious economic and social challenges, including fiscal and trade imbalances, resource constraints, unemployment, and demographic pressures. All of these are aggravated by the more than one million refugees and asylum seekers in the country. This program will help Jordanian systems and institutions to achieve sustainable progress by leveraging existing capabilities and resources.

Nepal has an undercurrent of pervasive, patriarchal social structures and a deep-rooted ethnic caste system woven into the fabric of an otherwise rich, diverse cultural heritage, restricting progress in all major development sectors.  For Nepal to become a more democratic and resilient society, it must give women and girls, those who identify as LGBT, people who are differently abled, and those who come from historically marginalized ethnic groups equal access to resources and decision-making opportunities.  USAID Nepal’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (2014-2019) explicitly recognizes gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) as integral to achieving its governance, economic growth, and human capital goals.

Violent clashes, unrest continue to impede the delivery of food, fuel, and other critical humanitarian supplies. UN, USG warn of a possible humanitarian crisis, call on parties to resolve border impasse. An estimated 81,000 earthquake-affected households require winterization support.

The National Action Plan for Combating Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (hereafter referred to as the National Action Plan), developed by an interagency working group in response to Executive Order 13676: Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, identifies a set of targeted interventions that address the core domestic and global challenges posed by MDR-TB and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). The recommended interventions represent the U.S. Government's contributions to reversing the worldwide spread of MDR-TB and can help inform policy development processes around the world.

No Ebola virus disease (EVD) cases reported in West Africa in nearly one month. All contacts in Liberia complete 21-day monitoring period. USAID/OFDA partners support adherence to infection prevention and control (IPC) protocols in Liberia. US Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) works to bolster personal protective equipment (PPE) pipeline in Guinea.

The U.S. Agency for International Development’s Re-Branding Afghanistan Creating Jobs, Changing Perceptions, Empowering Women (RACCEW) project aims to create a self-sustaining and diverse Afghan artisan sector that is able to flourish independently, utilizing the experience and expertise acquired by the acclaimed vocational school Turquoise Mountain since it was established in Afghanistan in 2006. By empowering women, instilling pride, and employing thousands of Afghan artisans, RACCEW will create a workforce that will enhance the positive image of Afghanistan around the world.

The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and humanitarian partners released the 2016 Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD) for Ethiopia on December 11. The updated HRD identifies 10.2 million people in Ethiopia as requiring relief food assistance and appeals for more than $1.4 billion in assistance for food and non-food humanitarian interventions in 2016.
