“We are always afraid of a disease outbreak! Many animals die because we don’t have people who can treat them,” explains Sori Guyo, a pastoralist in Marsabit County. Drought and subsequent disease outbreaks can cause daily livestock death, negatively affecting the household incomes of the communities in the northern arid lands who largely depend on pastoralism.
With USAID support, Sidai Africa Ltd., established “super service centers” to offer state-of-the-art animal health products and services to pastoralists. In addition to four “super service centers,” Sidai Ltd. established more than 20 franchises across northern Kenya.
“I never knew much about treating my livestock. When they were sick, we just isolated them and just watched them die,” Guyo said.
Super service centers are stocked with safe, certified, reasonably priced quality drugs. The centers also give pastoralists access to professional veterinary services to keep their herds healthy.
To boost disease control, Sidai Ltd. has built a network of cold chain facilities that have brought vaccination services closer to the pastoralists. Previously, vaccinations were available only during emergency periods, which was inadequate.
Livestock keepers like Guyo are already benefiting from the services offered at the super service centers. Other than persistent water challenges due to prolonged drought, Guyo has not lost livestock from disease.
“I visit the center when one of my herds is sick. I explain my problem to the attendant, who gives me the right drug and professional advice. I don’t have to travel far to get these services because the center is conveniently located in my community,” Guyo said. Established Sidai super service centers in Isiolo and Marsabit counties have sold more than 3.5 million Kenyan Shillings ( $37364) in veterinary drugs.
USAID is investing USD $65 million to strengthen the resilience of communities in arid lands that suffer repeated environmental shocks such as drought. USAID’s Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Improving Resilience (REGAL–IR) activity through Sidai Ltd. Africa will continue to expand the network of franchises and service centers across northern Kenya.
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