Flag of Côte d`Ivoire

Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Language: English

Legislative Strengthening in Côte d'Ivoire
U.S. Amb. Terence McCulley joins the local National Assembly Member and Prefet for a press conference following a town hall forum for constituents, made possible by USAID's Legislative Strengthening program.
Micah Clemens / USAID Côte d'Ivoire


Despite significant progress made since Côte d'Ivoire's return to normalcy after ten years of internal conflict, public sector institutions still lack operational capacity and corruption and impunity are prevalent. The 2015 presidential elections tested the country’s ability to conduct a free and fair contest and demonstrate a peaceful transition of power. The election and its aftermath were peaceful and orderly, with international and national consensus that it was fair, transparent and credible. The challenge is now how the country will build on that trust and integrity in coming years and coming elections.

USAID works with the Government of Côte d'Ivoire to deliver services to its people, promote democratic reforms and respect for human rights, and strengthen transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability. Our democracy and governance activities focus on strengthening the ability of the National Assembly to fulfill its representational, legislative, and oversight mandate. Over 80 percent of the Assembly's deputies are new to the position, so building the capacity of this institution is critical to ensuring policy changes necessary for political, social, and economic growth. We also improve access to and administration of justice through building the capacity of key actors in the judicial system and strengthening the justice sector. Finally, our support to the national independent electoral commission allowed for key reforms before the critical presidential elections in 2015 and helped ensure a transparent, inclusive, and peaceful election process.


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