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USAID/Zimbabwe humanitarian assistance activities
January 20, 2016

In response to worsening drought conditions and increased food insecurity, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced an additional $5 million contribution to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe.  This brings the total amount of U.S. Government funding for humanitarian assistance to Zimbabwe to $32.5 million since June 2015 following a poor harvest across the country.

USAID provides corn soy blend and fortified vegetable oil to pregnant and lactating mothers and children under the age of 2.
January 20, 2016

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Director of Southern African Affairs, Bradley Bessire, was in Zimbabwe on a week-long visit to evaluate the scope and severity of the current lean season and El Niño’s impact on food security in Zimbabwe.  Mr. Bessire leads a working group in Washington that is coordinating USAID’s response to the effects of El Niño. 

USAID/Amalima activities
November 24, 2015

Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Amalima activity announces its results from its second year of implementation to the Gwanda District Food and Nutrition Security Committee.  To improve household food security and nutrition in Matabeleland North and South, the Amalima activity is helping communities improve access to and availability of food, community resilience to shocks, and nutrition and health among mothers and children in Tsholotsho, Gwanda, Mangwe, and Bulilima. 

The Space Debate in Zimbabwe
September 18, 2015

Good morning and thank you for the opportunity to speak to such an inspiring group of people determined to build a bright future for Zimbabwe.   When I received this invitation, the name “The Space” struck me as an appropriate title for why we are here – to create space for people to discuss innovative ideas for development.  This is often where the best ideas originate, when we provide space for creative and committed people, like you, to come together and discuss the key topics of the day.

June 11, 2015

Stephanie Funk was sworn in today as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director to Zimbabwe.  Funk assumes leadership over a portfolio of programs to strengthen health services, increase food security, support economic resilience, and promote democratic governance.
