USAID partners with the Zambian Government and other implementing agencies to improve education quality, as measured by early grade reading performance. We collaborate with teachers, school administrators, and government officials, and help to develop, print, and distribute teaching and learning materials.
The country has made gains in access to education but is plagued by poor education quality and low progression rates due to the lack of trained teachers, school materials, and proper infrastructure. Our activities target student and teacher performance at the school-level supported by key policies and management and information systems. We also champion health programs integral to better school outcomes, such as mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS.
The USAID Read to Succeed activity works with government and community primary schools to strengthen education leadership, improve school management practices, and bolster teacher skills in teaching early grade reading. Read to Succeed also partners with the private sector to enhance the quality of education and collaborates directly with parent-teacher associations to encourage community involvement and oversight. With support from the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the program helps reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education system including prevention interventions and mentoring for teachers and students.
The USAID Time to Learn activity partners with Zambian Ministry of General Education and community primary schools to improve the quality of education in early grade reading for more than 420,000 primary school children. With PEPFAR support, Time to Learn also provides scholarships to orphans and vulnerable children in secondary schools while STEP-Up and Read to Succeed integrate initiatives designed to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education system.
The USAID Strengthening Educational Performance-Up activity partners directly with the leadership within the Zambian Ministry of General Education transforming management practices, developing policies, and executing strategies for improved learner performance, while strengthening evidence-based decision making. The program provides senior administrators with relevant information and appropriate oversight tools to deliver a national reading program premised on accountability for results. The activity further strengthens basic education by reinforcing HIV/AIDS workplace programs and assisting the Ministry to establish an HIV referral service.
- Ed Data II
- Direct Agreement with the Ministry of General Education
- Read to Succeed
- Strengthening Educational Performance - Zambia
- Time to Learn
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