Family Planning Updates

Global Health News

November 2013

International Conference on Family Planning. Photo of a woman and small child.

On November 12–15, 2013, more than 3,000 political leaders, scientists, health care professionals, advocates and young leaders from around the globe gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the third International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP 2013).

Family Planning 2020’s First Progress Report

FP2020’s first progress report, Partnership in Action, details successes and progress made since the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning. The report highlights commitments, accountability, innovation, collaboration and ways to measure FP2020 progress moving forward. We encourage you to participate in the conversation and share FP2020 success stories online using the hashtag #FP2020Progress.

Video Statements from ICFP 2013

View a video statement by Secretary of State John Kerry to participants of ICFP 2013. Watch Ellen Starbird, Director, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID, discuss women leaders in family planning at the conference. Don’t miss this video clip where Robert Clay, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, USAID, discusses integrated approaches to family planning.

New Blog: Achieving Equity Through Women in Leadership

USAID’s Director of the Office of Population and Reproductive Health, Ellen Starbird, highlighted her reflections from the International Conference on Family Planning.

Programming Strategies for Postpartum Family Planning

USAID, WHO and MCHIP announced the release of a new resource for health program managers and policymakers that aims to improve access to family planning for women after childbirth and during the first 12 months of motherhood. Programming Strategies for Postpartum Family Planning [PDF, 2.1MB] provides interventions at all levels of health care to expand access to scientifically-sound family planning methods for new mothers. View a statement by actress and supermodel Liya Kebede on postpartum family planning.

Assistant Secretary Anne Richard’s Closing Remarks at ICFP 2013

Anne Richard, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration discussed the U.S. Government’s commitment to promoting sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights across the globe.

Saving Lives and Fulfilling Destinies through Family Planning

In sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, close to 40 percent of women go to the private sector for their family planning needs. USAID’s SHOPS project has created a video about its private sector activities in Nigeria, Bangladesh and Jordan.

An Introduction to Contraceptive Technologies: How USAID Is Meeting Women’s Needs

USAID supports research that develops new contraceptive methods, improves existing methods and develops methods that bring together the prevention of unintended pregnancy and HIV in a single device. This slideshow features examples of new USAID-supported contraceptive methods in development.

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Photo sources for top banner left to right:James Pursey/EGPAF, Marcy Erskine/IFRC, Jameel Ahmad/JSI/PAIMAN.

Photo sources from newsletter in order: Nena Terrell, USAID Ethiopia (banner), USAID (Achieving Equity Through Women in Leadership), USAID/Deliver (Contraceptive Technologies), Michael Tsegaye/Save the Children / CC BY (Blog & Media).


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