
OTI Lebanon
Lebanese youth work together to strengthen civic activism.

Strengthening resilience in Lebanese communities to more effectively cope with destabilizing factors of the Syrian crisis. 


Lebanon is struggling to maintain stability in the face of the Syrian crisis. The war in Syria brought more than one million refugees into Lebanon, exacerbating long-standing sectarian tensions, generating pressure over scarce resources and increasing radicalization and recruitment by violent extremist groups. To support the U.S. Government’s goal of a peaceful, prosperous and stable Lebanon, USAID/OTI programming mitigates the tensions that threaten Lebanon’s stability and increase the vulnerability of communities to radicalization and recruitment by violent extremist organizations. 


USAID/OTI’s Lebanon Community Resilience Initiative strengthens the ability of Lebanon’s most vulnerable communities to cope with the destabilizing effects of the Syrian crisis. The program fortifies youth empowerment and civic participation, promotes peaceful alternatives to violence, reduces the isolation and marginalization of community groups and supports moderate actors. Together, these outcomes increase resilience and stability in areas of Lebanon most affected by the Syrian crisis.


USAID/OTI works with local actors to deliver visible, tangible projects that build credibility and trust and quickly demonstrate the benefits of peace and stability to communities in turmoil. For example: 

  • USAID/OTI empowers youth and increases civic engagement by bringing together youth from different backgrounds and rival communities, reducing their vulnerability to recruitment into violence. 

  • USAID/OTI mitigates tension between host communities and Syrian refugees through dialogue and delivering tangible improvements to volatile neighborhoods and tense border towns, lessening the potential for destabilizing violence.  

  • USAID/OTI strengthens the resilience of vulnerable communities by building the capacity of local organizations to band together and respond during crisis.

  • USAID/OTI helps communities reclaim public space and promote moderate and inclusive political and cultural values.


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