The Out-of-School Youth Development Alliances (OSYDA) is the key local group that helps shape MYDev programming. It provides critical training and post-training support to OSYs such as civic engagement activities, entrepreneurship, and job placements.
The project works through the Department of Education’s Alternative Learning Systems and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority’s livelihood skills training. It also offers demand-driven skills training.
- Established eight functional Out-of-School Youth Development Alliances, convening key stakeholders including local governments, academia, the private sector, and national government agencies to address out-of-school youth issues.
- 9,830 Out-of-School Youth in conflict-affected areas with strengthened life skills and participated in more than 200 community service projects to increase youth civic engagement.
- 3,484 Out-of-School Youth certified with nationally-recognized vocational credential, improving employment options.
- Inclusive engagement of highly-marginalized Out-of-School Youth sub-populations to address gender, disability, and other issues related to equitable access to development.
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