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USAID Pakistan
March 11, 2015

Islamabad, March 11, 2015 - As part of the third U.S.-Pakistan Business Opportunities Conference, the United States government la

Agriculture and Economic Growth
February 27, 2015

Director for U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Pakistan Gregory Gottlieb served as the keynote speaker to open the Pakistan Agriculture Conference and Exposition 2015 in Islamabad.  The two-day exposition will showcase the latest technological advances in the agriculture industry and provide government agencies and the private sector a forum to discuss agriculture engagement strategies.  The United States contributed a five stall pavilion to exhibit the agriculture development efforts supported by USAID in Pakistan.

February 26, 2015

Four Pakistani scholars who recently returned from completing their doctoral studies in the United States highlighted their research and experiences during panel discussion on education at the Serena Hotel.  In addition to the discussion, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Pakistan Mission Director Gregory Gottlieb and Pakistan Higher Education Commission Member Dr. G.

Food Assistance
December 22, 2014

In an effort to combat malnutrition, the United States contributed an additional $34 million to the World Food Program (WFP), which will provide food rations for the next four months to 3.2 million Pakistanis, including 1.63 million Temporary Displaced Persons (TDPs) from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Resilience Conference
December 16, 2014

ederal Minister for Planning, Development, Professor Ahsan Iqbal, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Mission) Director Gregory Gottlieb participated in the “Resilience for Agricultural Growth, Food Security, Nutrition and Rural Development in Pakistan.”
