Visit of USAID/Peru Mission Director, Deborah Kennedy-Iraheta to Iquitos

Friday, November 8, 2013
Pictured above, USAID/Peru Mission Director with Luis Lozano, Loreto region vice-president, and also with Llamely Tejedo, owner of Tejedo Arts
USAID/Peru: Katherin Tairo

During the last week of October USAID/Peru Mission Director, Deborah Kennedy-Iraheta, visited Tejedo Arts, Llamely Tejedo’s company.  Llamely has received support from USAID/Peru Bosques  (Forestry Project). Peru Bosques is a $27.8 million Project geared to improve forest governance and environmental management, biodiversity conservation and forest-based economic opportunities in support of the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA). The Forestry Project works through coordination with national, regional and local actors to strengthen their environmental management capacity and to promote private investment in indigenous and other rural communities in the Peruvian Amazon.  It also works to include women and indigenous communities’ participation in forestry policies development. 

USAID/Peru Mission Director also took advantage of this visit to meet with several regional government authorities.  Pictured above, USAID/Peru Mission Director with Luis Lozano, Loreto region vice-president, and also with Llamely Tejedo, owner of Tejedo Arts.