Signing Ceremony: MOU Between CENEPRED and USAID

Friday, December 6, 2013
From left to right: Ted Gehr, USAID/Peru Deputy Mission Director; Guadalupe Masana García, CENEPRED Chief; and Timothy M. Callaghan, Regional Coordinator, USAID/OFDA, Regional Office for Latin America and The Caribbean
USAID/Peru: Jonathan Gutarra

USAID/Peru and USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Relief – Regional Office for Latin America and The Caribbean (OFDA-LAC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Center for Assessment, Prevention and Disaster Risk Reduction (CENEPRED - Spanish acronym), a new Peruvian institution responsible for the assessment, prevention, risk reduction and reconstruction procedures of the National Disaster Risk Management System (SINAGERD - Spanish acronym).  USAID signed this MOU to express our intent of mutual collaboration in the areas of institutional cooperation, technical assistance, and related efforts in the aforementioned processes.