Launch event of the National Forest and Wildlife Service

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Remarks given by USAID Acting Mission Director Ms. Evelyn Rodriguez-Perez
Jonathan Gutarra, USAID

August 14th, 2014,  was the launch of  SERFOR, the National Forest and Wildlife Service. This organization leads a sustainable, inclusive and competitive forest and wildlife management that allows Peru to be a leader coping with the challenges generated by climate change and the pressure currently exerted on forests.
“The goal is that the forest sector generates 3,000 million dollars annually in income by the activity from concessions and forestry plantations” said the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Mr. Juan Manuel Benites.
USAID has been working very close with the forestry authorities, supporting the Government of Peru to strengthen government oversight as a way to ensure the overall sustainability of natural resources, particularly of forests.
The launch event was at the National Museum and chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Mr. Juan Manuel Benites, SERFOR Executive Director Ms. Fabiola Muñoz, and USAID Acting Mission Director Ms. Evelyn Rodriguez-Perez.