LAC Regional STIP Conference a Resounding Success

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
LAC Regional STIP Conference a Resounding Success
Noelia Gutierrez, USAID

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On May 5-8, over 80 participants of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Missions from around the world convened at the second Latin American Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (STIP) Conference in Lima, Peru.

The conference provided a forum to showcase and discuss ongoing STIP efforts worldwide. Topics included accelerating technology development through incubators, engaging with the private sector, utilizing science to impact policy, working with academia, Mission Signature Efforts, and more.

The Conference was attended by USAID Counselor Susan Reichle, Global Development Lab Executive Director Ann Mei Chang, LAC Deputy Assistant Administrator Paloma Adams-Allen, the Office of Budget and Resource Management Director Christa Capozzola, and staff from different countries missions. Conference presenters included Google, Telefonica, Stanford University, and others.

Some good phrases to remember that we can take from the conference were: "In the start up world, failure isn't a bad thing. Failure is a good thing if you fail fast and cheap", “Don’t be in love with your project. Be in love with the problem you are going to solve”, and  "Innovation is impossible without evidence."