Through the Education Crisis Response Program, USAID is partnering with UNICEF to ensure Liberian children return to school safely following a six-month hiatus as a result of the recent Ebola outbreak. The program will help the Ministry of Education enforce strict protocols in schools including daily temperature monitoring of children and teachers, hand washing requirements, and referral mechanisms with local health centers. The program will also support the Ministry of Education in protecting the education gains and investments that had been made prior to the crisis, and in preventing future disruptions in education.
Current Activities
- Collaborate with the Ministry of Education to establish and implement safety protocols for reopening school
- Promote pro-active participation from community leaders and PTAs to monitor and enforce safety protocols in schools and households
- Purchase teaching and learning materials to equip all schools.
- Develop teacher-training modules on implementing safety protocols, classroom management and teacher code of conduct, and psycho-social support (PSS)
- Support the Ministry of Education in developing a plan for a catch-up programs and supplemental learning
Planned Outcomes
- Support school-age children across Liberia in going back to school in safe and protected learning environments.
- Support train teachers, school leaders and PTA members on protocols and operational standards for preventing the transmission of Ebola in schools.
- Strengthen the Ministry of Education’s ability to support the safe operation of schools and the ongoing monitoring of school safety.
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