Fact Sheets

Почеток:  26 јуни, 2013                                                
Времетраење:  34 месеци       
Очекуван буџет на проектот$671,109             
Датум на започнување:  декември2011                            
Датум на завршување: декември 2014 (со можност за продолжување од една година)
Буџет на проектот :  $ 4,486,125             
Data e fillimit:  dhjetor 2011
Kohëzgjatja:  Tre vite (plus një vit sipas mundësisë)
Buxheti i paraparë (për projektin në tërësi):  $3,696,110 
Implementues:  Tetra Tech DPK 
Data e fillimit:  20 Dhjetor 2012
Kohëzgjatja:  17 Qershor 2015
Buxheti i paraparë i projektit (kohëzgjatja e projektit): $ 412,984          
Датум на започнување: 20 декември 2012 г.
Времетраење:  17 јуни 2015 г. 
Предвиден буџет на проектот (времетраење на проектот):  $ 412.984

As a country in transition, postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) still needs to ensure political stability, foster a national identify, and create a single economic space.  While over 50% of GDP goes to support the public sector, the country struggles to perform basic governmental functions and has not transitioned to full sovereignty.  The country remains deeply divided along ethnic lines, and these divisions inflame distrust and impede progress in virtually every socio-political and economic area. 

The economic challenges facing Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) include high rates of unemployment (as high as 44 percent, and even higher among youth, at 62 percent), marginal GDP growth, and a severely contracted domestic and global market. Creating jobs relies on strengthening and expanding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Strengthening Governing Institutions and Processes Project supports BiH efforts toward Euro-Atlantic integration by strengthening the capacity of the country’s governing institutions to adopt, implement, and account for more effective policies, laws, and budgets that address critical EU accession related issues
