USAID/Nepal’s Safe-WASH II project improves sanitation, promotes hygiene behavior, and increases access to safe drinking water in rural communities.
In support of the Government of Nepal (GON), USAID’s Saath-Saath Project reduces the transmission and impact of HIV and AIDS and improves reproductive health among key affected populations.
The Government of Nepal’s Post Disaster Needs Assessment estimates that, as a result of the April 25, 2015 earthquake, 28,572 classrooms in public and private schools were totally destroyed or damaged beyond use. The extensive damage interrupted the education of over 2 million children and youth. Many public school grounds are being used as temporary shelters for displaced populations, which will delay school re-opening.
The Early Grade Reading Program (EGRP) is a five-year, $53.8 million project to support the Ministry of Education to improve the foundational reading skills of Nepali primary school students in grades one through three. The project will directly support the National Early Grade Reading Program (NEGRP), which aims to help children to read with fluency and comprehension. NEGRP is led by the Ministry of Education with support from USAID and other donors under the Ministry’s School Sector Development Plan.
USAID’s Health for Life Logistics project will strengthen Nepal’s existing health logistics management systems to ensure sustained availability of essential health commodities in facilities across Nepal.
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