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Information released online from June 2012 to September 2017.
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United States Agency for International Development web site.
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USAID/Nepal’s Safe-WASH II project improves sanitation, promotes hygiene behavior, and increases access to safe drinking water in rural communities.
The project operates in Nepal’s Far-Western Region , where low access to water and sanitation facilities contributes to decreased socioeconomic development. In 2009, a cholera epidemic in the Far- and Mid-Western regions claimed over 300 lives, spurring an increased focus on WASH in these areas. USAID/Nepal’s SAFE-WASH II project is designed to prevent such outbreaks and not only increase accessibility to water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities but to also ensure it reaches the most vulnerable communities. This will improve public health and contribute to a heightened sense of dignity and cohesion in communities across Nepal.
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