Flag of Morocco


A sewing class offered as part of the FORSATY Program's vocational training program.
August 5, 2016

The United States Government, through USAID, is working closely with different political actors – political parties, government entities, civil society organizations (CSO), and civil society as a whole – to help them build their capacities, facilitate citizen participation, and ensure sustainable participatory governance.

USAID Career Center Ambassadors with Ambassador Bush and USAID Mission Director Dana Mansuri at the Marrakech opening
August 5, 2016

With an unemployment rate over 20 percent for university graduates, and an estimated 300,000 new entrants to the job market each year, USAID and the Government of Morocco share youth employability as not only a top priority for national policy and economic growth, but a wise investment in Morocco’s future.

Changing perceptions and building trust between citizens and the police through community activities.
August 5, 2016

The Kingdom of Morocco has engaged in a series of reforms aimed at strengthening democratic participation and advancing the modernization of the police. USAID is supporting the Kingdom of Morocco’s reform effort through a three-year community policing pilot project in designated communities of Tangier and Tétouan. Community policing is both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that emphasizes partnership and collaboration between police and communities with the objective of identifying and jointly responding to problems of crime, disorder and fear of victimization.

A student in a reading class activity in a Moroccan primary school.
August 5, 2016

In September 2015, USAID, in close partnership with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, launched the, “Reading for Success-Small-Scale Experimentation” (RFS-SSE) early-grade reading program. This activity is designed to develop and test the most effective approaches for strengthening children’s Arabic reading skills in targeted primary schools.

Students studying to become electricians.
August 5, 2016

The Favorable Opportunities to Reinforce Self-Advancement for Today’s Youth Project (FORSATY) seeks to prevent youth delinquency and reduce recidivism among at-risk youth.
