Greece (Hellenic Republic)
Greece, formally known as the Hellenic Republic, is located in southeastern Europe and is distinguished by one of the most unique geographic formations in Europe. The country totals 50,959 square miles, including its islands, and has a population of 11 million (2001 census), with an estimated five million Greeks living abroad. In 1974, Greece joined NATO and in 1981, Greece joined the EC (now the EU).

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
The UNDP Afghanistan programme remains responsive to the changing needs of a nation still in transition from conflict to peace. Afghanistan is at a crucial point in moving from state building initiatives to emerging as a newly democratic state, and the opportunity to shift focus to longer term development and government support is at hand. Accordingly, the UNDP Afghanistan programme of activities is organized thematically into three pillars: State-Building & Government Support, Democratization & Civil Society Empowerment, and Promotion of Sustainable Livelihoods.

United Nations Habitat
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.
United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS/WFP)
The United Nations Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS) is a UN common service managed by the World Food Programme (WFP). UNHAS provides safe and reliable passenger and cargo air services to the entire humanitarian community especially to remote locations where due to lack of infrastructures and insecurity there are no commercial alternatives. UNHAS air facilities are deployed in support of aid delivery and development programmes of the humanitarian community during and after emergencies. UNHAS equally provides one-time dedicated flights/strategic airlifts and performs medical and security evacuations at the request of the humanitarian community. Timely intervention makes the difference between life and death. When emergencies occur, whether it is the Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in 2008, Typhoon Ketsana in the Philippines in 2009 or the mid-January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, UNHAS positions aircraft within the first 48 hours. UNHAS is the only Aviation Service in emergencies available to staff from all humanitarian organizations; be it Humanitarian UN agencies, non-governmental organizations or donor community institutions. Equal access is given to all humanitarian agencies on the basis of first come first serve. The service is completely demand driven as it responds to the requirements of the humanitarian community established through the User Groups in different country operations.

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF began in the aftermath of World War II as a tiny operation supplying starving girls and boys in Europe, the Middle East and China with dried milk and nutritional supplements. Today it works for the survival, protection, and development of children in 155 countries and territories around the world. In cooperation with governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), UNICEF helps develop community-based programs to promote health and immunization programs, basic education, nutrition, safe water supply and sanitation services, and continues to provide emergency relief as needed.

United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS)
At UNOPS—the United Nations Office for Project Services—we help our clients turn ideas into reality. Whether it’s building peace, recovering from disaster, or creating sustainable development, we provide the people, tools, and operational know-how needed to get projects up and running, and client goals met. We accomplish this by offering a broad range of services—including procurement, recruitment and human resources administration, loan supervision, and certification. UNOPS provides operations management, contracting, and procurement services that help clients implement their projects and programmes. Our aim is to achieve the best results on time, on budget, and in ways that build local capacity whenever possible. And since we compete for work, we have an extra incentive to perform excellent quality work.

World Bank/Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF)
The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) is administered by the World Bank under the supervision of a Management Committee comprising the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, and the World Bank. The multilateral Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) was set up in May 2002 to provide support to Afghanistan in two areas: 1) It will provide for the recurrent costs of the government, such as the salaries of teachers, health workers, civilian staff in ministries and provinces, operations, and maintenance expenditures; and bulk purchases of essential goods for the government; and 2) it will support investment projects, capacity building, feasibility studies, technical assistance, and the return of expatriate Afghans.

World Food Programme
As the food aid arm of the UN, WFP uses its food to meet emergency need and support economic & social development. The Agency also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the right place. WFP works to put hunger at the centre of the international agenda, promoting policies, strategies and operations that directly benefit the poor and hungry.

World Health Organization
The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
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