Flag of Benin

Our Work

New mothers attend a baby weighing and general health wellness day at a local health clinic in Benin.
New mothers attend a baby weighing and general health wellness day at a local health clinic in Benin.
André Roussel, USAID/Benin
USAID works in over 100 countries around the world with the goal to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies. In Benin, USAID’s current programming has a strong emphasis on the health sector, but also includes activities that combat corruption, reduce violence against women and girls, as well as regional programs that strengthen the agricultural sector in Benin.

Global Health

The health challenges in Benin are evident by the grave indicators:  
  • 11.5% of children don’t reach the age of five,
  • 351 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births,
  • 66.5 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. 
USAID/Benin’s overarching goal in the health sector is to reduce preventable deaths among vulnerable populations, especially pregnant women and children. Programs aim to improve citizen access to critical life-saving health services that will by strengthening the public health system, supporting health clinics, and expanding the network of community health workers. Activities aim to reduce the prevalence of malaria and improve practices for maternal and child survival, family planning, and HIV/AIDS prevention.  
USAID/Benin manages an activity under a global initiative: the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). Under PMI, USAID/Benin aims to reach vulnerable groups with proven preventive and therapeutic interventions to reduce malaria-related morbidity and mortality.  


As part of the broader West Africa Cooperative Security Initiative (WACSI), USAID implements two programs that promote accountable public institutions and limit the ability for corruption to go unchecked.

Gender Equity

USAID/Benin has advanced opportunities for women and girls over the past 10 years by implementing gender equality programs that raise awareness about the rights of women and girls, and has been a leader in supporting Benin’s reforms that protect women and girls from gender-based violence.

Food Security

There are a series of regionally and centrally funded food security programs which incorporate Benin under their activities. USAID/Benin staff supports the management and oversight of these activities on the ground.

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United States Agency for International Development web site.

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