Although Angola has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in water and sanitation infrastructure in recent years, sustainable access to improved water and sanitation facilities remains a challenge. The Development Grants Program (DGP), as a complement to existing Goverment of the Republic of Angola (GRA) resources, supports community governance mechanisms that improve the management and operations of sanitation and hygiene facilities, and provide access to potable water at a reasonable cost. We help civil society to develop systems for community water management that ensure affordability for consumers and maintenance of water supply infrastructure. The DGP uses a school-based model for improved community water supply and sanitation to reduce water borne illnesses caused by low quality water and sanitation. Civil society groups also rehabilitate or construct latrines and hand washing facilities in primary schools and increase access to clean water.
USAID is shifting its approach in the water sector from its long time focus on the hardware, through the establishment of water systems to technical capacity, by ensuring that government officials from the national, municipal, and community levels are trained and mentored to be able to effectively plan and implement their respective national and municipal water and sanitation plans. USAID provides access to adequate quantities of potable water and improved sanitation services at an acceptable cost and on sustainable basis and contributes to the reduction of waterborne diseases in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Bengo and Uige. The Mission is pursuing additional resources through a public-private partnership with Coca-Cola to support these activities.
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