Global Health Programs: Report to Congress FY 2014

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is leading an extensive global health community, including governments and global partners from faith-based, nongovernmental and civil society organizations to private sector and academia working in concert to save and improve lives across the globe. As the largest investor in global health, USAID’s leadership has saved lives in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia, focusing on three priority goals:

1. Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths;
2. Creating an AIDS-Free Generation;
3. Protecting Communities from Infectious Diseases.

Moreover, investments in global health protect Americans at home and abroad, strengthen fragile or failing states, promote social and economic progress, and are encouraging sustainability in countries and regional mentorship between countries to solve global problems.

In 2014, USAID programs showed great progress, from improving newborn and maternal health to protecting communities from infectious diseases, in rural areas and cities, reaching people with the greatest need.



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