Flag of Uzbekistan


Language: English | Russian
October 27, 2016

As Central Asia’s most populous country, with extensive natural resources and transportation links, Uzbekistan is a potential force for regional economic growth and stability.

February 25, 2015

Uzbekistan accounts for 45 percent of Central Asia’s total population and is located directly north of Afghanistan, making it a crucial development partner in the region. A former Soviet Republic struggling to modernize its economic and social policies and infrastructure, Uzbekistan is facing serious challenges generating jobs for its young and rapidly growing population. 

December 30, 2013

Развитие независимой, стабильной, процветающей и демократической Центральной Азии на границе с Афганистаном является жизненно важным для обеспечения безопасности как в регионе, так и во всем мире, и Узбекистан, который находится в самом сердце региона, играет ключевую роль. Узбекистан - самая густонаселенная страна Центральной Азии, а наличие значительных природных ресурсов и коммуникаций позволяет ему выступать в качестве движущей силы экономического роста и стабильности в регионе.

May 3, 2013

Business executives and government leaders discussed implementation of foreign economic activities, including customs regulations, pricing, and taxation of export-import operations as part of a round table on Practical Issues of Implementing Foreign Trade Activities in Uzbekistan. The round table, organized by the Federation of accountants, auditors and consultants of Uzbekistan (FAACU) in partnership with USAID’s Regional Economic Cooperation Project, was attended by seventy representatives of business, state authorities, and international organizations. 

USAID Uzbekistan 2013 Calendar
