Transparency, accountability, subsidiarity, civic oversight, and participation are among the fundamental principles of democratic governance. The governance tradition of the Soviet era was quite the contrary and became deeply rooted in Ukraine’s governing principles, systems, and behavior. Its legacy - ineffective and bureaucratic government processes, poor quality public services, lack of transparency in decision making, unbalanced and highly centralized government, and limited public oversight – continues to hamper Ukraine’s social and economic development.
USAID supports the Ukrainian people in their call for reform in accordance with democratic governance principles, including greater accountability, increased transparency and inclusivity, and decentralization of authority.
- Successful implementation of decentralization and territorial reorganization.
- Local governments that more effectively manage increased authority, resources, and responsibilities.
- A more open and representative parliament with improved capacity to make laws and oversee the executive branch.
- Increased citizen engagement in and oversight of local government and parliament.
USAID democratic governance programs work to promote more participatory, transparent, and accountable governance processes. At the local level, these programs focus on supporting decentralization reforms by: (1) empowering and building capacity of government officials, civil society, and business to cooperate for more effective and accountable local governance; (2) strengthening the legislative and constitutional framework for decentralization; (3) stimulating local economic development; (4) improving services to residents; (5) promoting independent and transparent financial planning and management strategies; and (6) increasing revenue and resources for Ukraine’s cities, towns, and villages. Parliamentary programs focus on the institutional development of the Verkhovna Rada by improving public representation in the legislative process, expanding the role of citizens in monitoring the work of the parliament, and strengthening the legislature’s role in providing independent oversight of the executive branch.
Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE)
This new flagship local government activity will provide comprehensive assistance to local communities to build effective and responsive local governance that delivers tangible benefits to citizens and helps key regions quickly implement reforms in key sectors. This is part of a coordinated package of assistance to implement decentralization reform and territorial reorganization in all of Ukraine’s oblasts and ensure the success of newly consolidated communities.
Policy for Ukraine Local Self Governance (PULSE)
The activity strengthens local governance and improves conditions for community development by helping both the central and local governments adopt and implement sound decentralization policies. Priorities include a decentralization framework with local government input and laws and policies that increase resources and the capacities of local self-government institutions.
Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI-II)
By providing technical assistance to central and local governments to implement performance program budgeting (PPB) a transparent system of budget funds management, MFSI-II promotes efficient and transparent local budget financing, thereby advancing local social and economic development, preventing corruption, and increasing cost efficiency.
Responsible, Accountable Democratic Assembly Program (RADA)
Since 1994, USAID has provided assistance for the Verkhovna Rada’s (VR) institutional strengthening in legislative drafting, constituent relations, effective and transparent legislative processes, and the VR Secretariat’s organizational capacity. The Responsible, Accountable Democratic Assembly Program (RADA) continues this tradition in assisting the VR to become a more accountable, representative and independent body, while increasing civic engagement in the legislative process.
Policy for Ukraine Local Self Governance (PULSE):
- 50% increase in local government budgets through fiscal decentralization.
- Legislative and policy support advances decentralization in key sectors, such as social protection, education, and administrative services.
- All oblasts staffed with legal, financial/budget and communication experts to facilitate decentralization and community consolidation.
Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI-II):
- PPB employed by targeted local governments.
- Comparative analysis of budget program efficiency developed and tested for local public procurement.
- The Government’s new continuous budget monitoring process communicated to public stakeholder audiences.
Responsible, Accountable Democratic Assembly Program (RADA):
- e-Parliament innovations, such as live web streaming of committee meetings, Wi-Fi access points, citizen petitions and town halls expands opportunities for public monitoring of and engagement with parliament
- USAID-supported European Research and Information Center assists law makers with comparative policy information
- A registry of civil society experts is established to assist with the legislative process and public communication.
- Eight members of parliament model good constituent relations practices in their districts.
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