Measuring Impacts of Stabilization Initiatives (MISTI)


Measuring Impacts of Stabilization Initiatives (MISTI) is a third-party monitoring and evaluation (M&E) program that uses rigorous social science methods to measure and map changes in stability over time.  MISTI will evaluate the impact of USAID stabilization programs in key areas of Afghanistan, in addition to working with USAID implementing partners to strengthen M&E systems and create a vibrant community of practice for evidence-based programming.  MISTI will also focus on improving effective communication of lessons learned from stabilization interventions.  The program has three primary goals:

  • Provide independent monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of USAID stabilization programs;
  • Collect, synthesize and analyze data at the district, provincial and regional levels to track changes in stability over time and help shape U.S. and Afghan Government policy and practice related to transition; and,
  • Contribute to the larger body of knowledge on best practices and lessons learned related to the design, implementation and assessment of stabilization activities within a counterinsurgency context.

MISTI provides an independent supplement to the existing M&E capacities of implementing partners and uses an online knowledge management portal to support the sharing of M&E best practices across stabilization programs.  By working to create a community of practice for M&E and program learning, MISTI supports stronger M&E systems with rigorously defined performance indicators and high standards for data verification and data quality.  MISTI combines data from program performance indicators, perception surveys, violent incidents, and other sources to quantify project impacts and control for external factors that might account for changes in stability.


  • Perform stability trends analysis to inform programming by showing overall stability in key districts and identifying specific sources of instability.
  • Map districts at a high level of detail, which will inform program planning and improve coordination with other implementers.
  • Hold quarterly “M&E Summits” attended by USAID stabilization implementing partners and other stakeholders to share research outputs, knowledge, and best practices for M&E.


  • Completed baseline survey of 82 districts of Afghanistan with stabilization programming, conducting more than 34,000 individual interviews.
  • Assess and evaluate the performance and impacts of the following programs: regional Stability in Key Areas (SIKA) programs, the Community Cohesion Initiative (CCI), the Community Development Program (CDP), the Afghan Civilian Assistance Program II (ACAP II), and other stabilization programs, as required.