MCP Team Profile

Ron Sprout is the MCP team leader and E&E’s Chief Economist. He has a Ph.D. in Economics and an M.A. in International Affairs from the American University in Washington, D.C.  Ron has led the development and application of the MCP system since its inception in 1997. Prior to USAID, Ron worked for the United Nation’s Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean as the Economist for the ECLAC-IDB Project to Support Hemispheric Trade Liberalization. In addition, he has taught economics and international affairs at the American University and Trinity College in Washington, and continues to periodically lecture at the National Defense University in Washington.

Kraemer Lovelace has a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Georgia and two undergraduate degrees in economics and in computer science from the University of the South. He has notable work experience in the developing world, in India, Mozambique, Argentina, and Brazil. Kraemer brings to the team considerable technical expertise in quantitative methods and analysis.

Nicolas Reinhart has a M.A. in International Relations from Seton Hall University and is finishing a M.S. in Statistics from Baruch College, CUNY. Nicolas has experience in the private sector managing the operations of a customs and logistics team in the oil industry.  He also has experience in defense research and working with an international education non-profit.