Afghan Civilian Assistance Program II (ACAP II)


The Afghan Civilian Assistance Program II (ACAP II) provides humanitarian assistance to innocent civilian casualties who have suffered losses resulting from operations between U.S. and coalition military forces and the Taliban or other insurgents.  Although the number of civilians killed or injured by U.S. and coalition forces has declined, the Taliban and other insurgents continue to use indiscriminate tactics, including improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and suicide attacks, to cause significant civilian casualties.  ACAP II is the only countrywide, internationally-funded project of its kind.  The program provides immediate assistance to eligible beneficiaries and also provides specific follow-on assistance to those who have suffered more significant losses.  The project also facilitates referrals to third party service providers to ensure that civilians have access to sufficient resources.  Particular attention and care is given to the needs of women, especially in circumstances in which the primary family breadwinner is killed or injured.  ACAP II works closely with relevant Afghan Government entities, including the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled, as well as with non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  ACAP II is a follow-on to the original on ACAP program, which operated from 2007-2011.


  • Distribute immediate relief assistance that may include medical support, and food and household items.
  • Provide tailored, follow-on assistance that may include, but is not limited to, small business opportunities, livelihood and vocational training, and rehabilitation therapy.
  • Facilitate referrals to third party service providers for additional assistance. 


  • Distributed assistance to more than 10,100 families in remote and insecure areas.
  • Delivered 6,340 small business start-up packages, which included supplies and vocational training.  Beneficiaries have set up small livestock holdings, grocery corner stores, car repair garages, computer repair shops, carpentry shops, and carpet weaving businesses.
  • Documented more than 1,630 assistance-eligible incidents.