Visit of USAID Official to Reinforce U.S. Commitment to Partnership for Growth

For Immediate Release

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The U.S. Embassy in Manila will host a top official from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) next week. Eric G. Postel, USAID’s Assistant Administrator and Partnership for Growth (PFG) Coordinator, will visit the Philippines on December 15-16 to reinforce the U.S. Government’s commitment to the country’s growth.

Mr. Postel will meet with high-level Government of the Philippines (GPH) officials and representatives from the business sector and civil society organizations to review ongoing programs under the Partnership for Growth (PFG) – a bilateral agreement with the Philippines to achieve broad-based, inclusive and resilient growth.

The PFG provides a new framework for deepening and strengthening engagement between the U.S. and the Philippines. The Philippines is one of only four PFG countries globally where the U.S. Government has brought its 15 federal agencies in a whole-of-government effort to advance economic development in the country. Total PFG assistance to date is more than Php33.3 billion ($739 million).

Three years into the PFG, the Philippines has achieved significant progress under the PFG Joint Country Action Plan. The country has had record high GDP growth rates since 2011, including a 7.2 percent increase in 2013 that was second only to China in the region; investment grade sovereign debt ratings from international rating agencies which continue to increase; and a huge leap forward of 33 places in competitiveness rankings from 2010-2014. In the latest Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, the Philippines ranked 85th out of 175 countries surveyed, up 20 notches from 2012 and 9 notches from 2013. President Aquino’s reforms have laid the basis for improved governance and competitiveness.

Mr. Postel will also witness the signing of a Sisterhood Agreement between the Cities of Batangas, Iloilo and Cagayan de Oro. The three are the pilot cities of USAID’s Cities Development Initiative (CDI). As part of PFG, CDI seeks to advance the development of second-tier cities as engines of growth that is inclusive and environmentally sustainable and resilient through mutual responsibility and collaboration in the areas of economic growth and investment promotion, health, education, and the environment.


Eric G. Postel began as USAID’s Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Economic Growth, Education and Environment in March 2011. In October 2014, he was asked by the USAID Administrator to serve as the Assistant to the Administrator for Africa. Mr. Postel brings to the position more than 25 years of private sector experience working in emerging markets, especially those in Africa.

Mr. Postel is working with the Africa Bureau to implement President Obama’s development priorities in Africa. He is also focusing on increasing Agency engagement with the private sector. Mr. Postel also serves as the Agency’s coordinator for the government-wide Partnership for Growth program and the “Plus 1” (alternate director) to the Millennium Challenge Corporation.



The United States Agency for International Development is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential. In the Philippines, USAID partners with the national government to create a more stable, prosperous and well-governed nation. For more information, visit or email